I’ve been a bit quiet on my blog, but it certainly hasn’t been due to being unplugged. It seems like someone flipped a switch after the holidays and everyone wants a listening tool NOW if not yesterday! My joke is that Santa Claus didn’t come thru so they have to call us.

In December I decided that ‘focus’ was the word for 2009. So I have been focused on my work with my startups. And yes, that’s plural. But I love the energy and growth rate! It’s truly energizing. My husband asked what I wanted for Christmas & I said ‘5 more hours in my day’. Then he said, what would you do with it? He knew as well as I did that i would just work more. But I find it gratifying & enjoy my interactions with everyone.

The idea of having a focus has been a good idea. I pared back some of my commitments & chose those that I truly believe in. I have a speaking itinerary that is exciting & I’ve started to decline events in that area too.

Last week I had some incredible news that I am so excited about! More information is coming. And I was invited to speak in Boston at Enterprise 2.0. I’ve heard it’s a great event & I look forward to meeting my friends there in June!

My husband & I went out to dinner recently & talked about the cities we’re going to visit. We will be stopping off in Barcelona for a vacation in May on our way to Next 09, a business conference in Germany that I’m speaking at. One of the startups that I’ve been advising has extended their hospitality & I’m excited to visit them & make use of my Spanish degree. Sometimes mi espanol shows up on Twitter).

And I’ll be traveling to the Techrigy home office in Rochester, NY. They better order some lake effect for my visit! I really can do without the snowstorm! Toronto isn’t far away & I look forward to getting up there on one of my trips. I’ll always be fluent in Canadian having grown up 10 miles from the Canadian border! ;)

Tomorrow I’m unplugging for the day & traveling to Fargo, ND. We’re going to have the first tweet up. In looking on Twitter, a group had a tweet up today so there are already people meeting & connected by social media. There’s a storm predicted, but hopefully we’ll get there. Photos coming…

What are your  goals for 2009? Are you reinventing yourself thanks to the recession or growing in you present job? Travel was my dream, so I’m excited to be able to mix speaking, teaching & meeting new people & experiencing new cultures/foods.