Yesterday we took our daughter to college again. The house will be quieter without a group of kids moving around at all hours. She’s an only child but always had friends over.

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This is her second year, so the move was quite different. She moved in the day before the freshman arrive. So we missed the DJ, loud music, free pizza & pop & related hubbub. We also walked one less flight of stairs which was much appreciated! She was on fourth floor last year & I realized quickly how out of shape I am. (Thank gawd they don’t make tall buildings in northern Minnesota! :) )

It’s interesting to watch kids move in an amazing amount of furniture into a small shared space. Fridge, microwave, TV, recliners, etc are all wrestled up the stairs. Our daughter bought lightweight frame chairs which saved on us.

We made the trip to Walmart to grab the necessities that she needed: tv cable, extension cord & food to get by before food service opens. She came home this morning to get her Wii. She’s only an hour away which is really convenient!

She has chosen nursing as a major so she’ll have a busy year!