First I’m going to wish my mom, sister & sister-in-law all a Happy Mother’s day! You guys are the best!  :) and I know you read my blog, so that makes you even more loveable!

And yes once in awhile my birthday hits Mother’s Day as it did this year. It’s a time for pausing to look back (briefly) & looking forward. What new adventures lie ahead? My life has been been rich because of the people that have helped me become who I am today. And there’s always room for improvement!

A year ago I decided I wanted to work with social media full time & here I am. Since high school I’ve known that I should slow down (ie: double major in college in 3 yrs & working full time ever since). My daughter has just finished her first year of college & I’m so proud of her making the dean’s list first semester. She loves to write too.

As you guys know gifts are hard & I had pondered the usual jewelry. But then one morning it dawned on me! We have this lake that we really should enjoy. So after asking my Twitter friends about canoe vs kayak – it was a resounding vote for kayak.

Now I only have experience with driving a canoe. So shopping for a kayak was fun. I asked to sit in them at the store. (You have to try them out! and the sales guy humored me) We brought it home & launched it under hubby’s watchful eye. The lake is all of 8′ deep.

It’s a totally peaceful serene way to experience the water. And the solitude is blissful. My maiden voyage was at sunset & the loons were making their noise.DSC_0022_resize 

I stayed near shore as instructed & my cat followed. After awhile she was crying & so I went to collect her. She wouldn’t walk out on the rushes, so I convinced her to walk out on a fallen tree. I convinced her to put her feet on the kayak & I brought her in with me. As we headed back for the landing site, she refused to stay down & had thoughts of walking on water! ha ha Ms Sushi kept getting bonked in the head as I oared her back towards land. It’s too bad that this photo was blurry – it was a riot!


When we were about 6′ from shore she chose to use my leg to launch herself to shore & landed with a splash (not trusting my landing apparently! but I still have claw marks). Needless to say our two labs will NOT go kayaking with me. That would be a mess having two wet sloppy dogs…. ohhh I can’t even imagine!

So thanks to everyone who chimed in with your advice! I’m going to really enjoy the new form of upper body exercise as well as the peace & solitude of paddling on our little lake.