This question is asked often – What is the average salary? Last September I tackled it & posted some numbers. But it’s like trying to nail down measurement of social media – it’s quite elusive.

On the other hand is it time for Community Managers to start talking about salaries? As this position becomes more prevalent I think it would be helpful for job seekers and company’s alike to have an idea of a salary range.

At present the salaries that I’ve heard of are $50 k and up. Mack Collier was shocked at that reality. He thinks that it should be $100 k. I think he has a good idea of the specturm of tasks that a Community Manager is responsible for: Customer Service, Tech Support, PR, Marketing, web 2.0 trainer, projects, building community, etc.

It also seems prevalent that companies are asking the prospective employee what they’d like for a salary. This leaves the person wondering what is fair. Granted there are many factors that affect a person’s salary: previous experience, location (but does it really? does working remotely affect the salary?), size of company, responsibilities.

So what should the salary be? Is this position a highly skilled position? When companies search for their Community Manager what value do they place on finding someone with proven skills in community building, customer service & knowledge on use of social media tools?