I saw Chris Brogan testing Utterz just before PodCamp 2 in Boston. Then I read Jeremiah’s instructions & thought – ok, I can do this!

Well with that kind of peer pressure…(can you feel the magnet of social media pulling me in?) I saw the note about the MicroMedia Meetup?! Now I don’t do any MicroMedia other than Twitter, so I had to get with it & quick! So you get TWO Utterz! In them I reveal secrets. And now you know the rest of the story! *grin*

I added a new category for this – micromedia. My friend, Jeremiah O, coined the term. And I must say that hearing a person’s voice adds a new dimension to the blogging experience.

(Hey sister Heidi, you’re pretty good at those videos, but what do you think of this,eh?!)