Do you find branding easy or a challenge? In creating this blog, branding it was easy, I used my photo that I’m using at Facebook & around the web and that dictated the color which in turn drove the theme choice. That photo is very representative of me. Someone from my new company suggested a more formal photo, but I really don’t have time & people see that one in all my travels on the web. (And I like it!)

Brian Solis posted a great article titled, Facebook is the Hub for your Personal Brand. He does a great job in explaining the value that Facebook can provide to your brand. It’s based on the concept that Robert Scoble is using in having all his streams going thru Facebook.

Chris Brogan asked me in Facebook if I had a blog -umm yes, I’m up to 3! So I fixed that info on my profile page. People shouldn’t have to search for it.  He has an article on Fix Your Facebook Profile Now with more good points.

But, before you say ok, Facebook represents my personal brand, I suggest that you look at your profile & consider what people are seeing. After viewing Scoble’s profile, I figured out how to move the panes & totally agree with Jason Preston’s post underlining the importance of reorganizing the look of your profile. Tonite I posted instr’s on how to do this at our blog at (I apologize for rerouting you, but I have decided that I will continue to teach there & I have an established readership.)

And I need to wish my branding expert friend a Happy Birthday! I met Dan Schawbel when he commented on my blog posts on branding. He’s quite the expert & has tons of resources on his blog. He also has a magazine that he’s letting me help edit! :) More on that when it’s available!

Further reading from Dan’s blog:

So next time you look at your Facebook profile, look at it as if you’re seeing it for the first time. Is it how you want people to remember you? or does it need some spiffing up? Personally I took Jason’s advice & moved my walls to the top. It’s more convenient for my friends & also for myself in reading them. And I collasped a bunch of app’s.

What do you think of using Facebook for personal branding?