Connie Lund
Welcome to my blog!
My writing represents my contributions to a fast changing landscape of organizations and the evolution of digital marketing.
I started this journey in 2005 when I was introduced to rss feeds. I realized my passion for community building when I working for a software company. I worked across all business functions and wrote a job description that became a standard for the community manager role. I am proud to say that the community manager role has become mainstream.
In 2008 I had the opportunity to take a social media tool to market. The social media tool was intended for PR professionals, but I quickly realized that the rich social insights could be useful to many business functions across the enterprise. I wrote 10 white papers on the use of this data and the Social ROI.
Another career highlight was the opportunity to join Dell, one of the most socially mature companies. My first role was to refresh the advocacy programs and update the communities and platforms.
The next role was to address the fragmentation around content and business processes. I created a plan and technology requirements to support a singular global approach to the editorial calendar.
This made me realize that the community manager role can evolve. There is an opportunity in every organization to encourage collaboration and drive horizontal leadership. Organizations are at varying points of readiness to become a social business. But their audiences and customers will continue to push them in that direction.
Here’s a recent video on my views on Social Business.