I’m starting something new on my blog of sharing links to articles that caught my attention. Here are some ideas for your community strategy:

An incredible article about Brands building community on Flickr

Beth Kanter pointed me to this ongoing wiki project that is going to be an amazing resource for Non-profits using Social Media. I’m sure that she would love your contributions!

A must see slide at Dogster.com along with this truth "Being a community manager is never about you, the community manager or the company you work for. It’s always about the community member or site user, who we like to call the customer.

Wall Street Article on Why Most Online Communities Fail? (yes, lack of human intervention) Take a look at how the industry spoke up in this article.

That was a warm up article for this one by Augie Ray that provides an excellent analogy between gardening & nurturing a community.

And kudos to Dell!!  Dell Opens Up Social Media Sites to All Employees