Really this post should be titled: 

Please join me in celebrating our success!

Because a Technorati Rank is a combination of my writing & your linking to my blog and listing it on your blogroll. So let’s have a party!

First let me explain Technorati Rank as I see many people wondering about it. There are bazillions of blogs out there. When you create an account & claim your blog on Technorati it starts to index it giving you Authority & Rank. Here are definitions for them:

Technorati Authority is the number of blogs linking to a website in the last six months. The higher the number, the more Technorati Authority the blog has.

Technorati Rank is calculated based on how far you are from the top. The blog with the hightest Technorati Authority is the #1 ranked blog. The smaller your Technorati Rank, the closer you are to the top.

I benchmarked my blog when I started blogging ten months ago. My goal when I started was to get to a Rank of 90,000 which was what I had achieved at my niche blog, DigiScrapInfo.

I was at 180,000 for a long time, but today when I saw a rank of 19,703 I was speechless. Here are the top 100. TechCrunch is #2 today. Problogger is #23.


Does it matter? It does because it means that my blog is interconnected with my community. It is a living & breathing entity and most importantly growing. (I did know this because my Facebook crowd has grown to 700 and my Twitter groupies count is over 1,000). And you all rock! You’re my inspiration & provide my motivation

And it reaffirms my decision to go in a new direction! This past week I resigned from my community manager position at ACD to pursue new opportunities. It was hard to leave the great friends that I’ve worked closely with for 2 years. But if you’ve read my recent posts you’ve maybe noticed a shift coming? I want to expand my horizons & work more directly with social media & in a variety of ways. And I’m really excited to start sharing my new ventures with you.