in Kindergarten

That’s the usual ending…

But that’s not what I was going to say. I was going to finish it with


Did you know that in terms of blogging, social media and brand building there are many great resources online? With the recession there are even more opportunities. And so many are free! Over the past three years that I’ve been working online I have learned so much from webinars and virtual events.

With that, I encourage you to attend the Marketing Prof’s Digital Marketing World Fall Event

They have a number of great sessions and it’s free!

I’m presenting a case study of how my Techrigy Team has used Twitter for lead generation. And the other two case studies are even more interesting! One is on how the NHL has used Twitter to build community around their advocates. And the third is how has increased their brand presence and  promoted their service on Twitter. Some very interesting stuff!

So I highly recommend that you sign up and attend some sessions. Marketing Prof’s has a great blog that always offers high quality information.
