I have to thank Shashi Bellamkonda for nominating me for a Shorty Award on Twitter for the Community Category. I worked with Shashi at Network Solutions this summer & I really appreciate his support of my work. I always feel odd doing shameless self promotion – but I advise others to do it, so… once in awhile it’s ok.

So why do I think that I should be nominated for an award on Twitter? Over the past year I have:

  • insisted that many join Twitter & taught them how to use it
  • documented how I use Twitter & it’s value
  • created the Twitterpacks for Community Managers to help everyone connect with each other on Twitter
  • provided business cases for using Twitter
  • and met many of you there! :)

Shorty Awards Home

The best producers of short* content in 2008

*140 characters or less, on Twitter

The Shorty Awards honor the world’s top Twitterers.





So how can you vote? (Voting goes until December 31st)

On Twitter – copy & past this in & finish the sentence:

@shortyawards I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community because…


Or use this handy page to vote directly by finishing the sentence.

Thanks so much for being a part of my community on Twitter!

A huge thanks to these people! You guys are total rockstars!

@jimwu  I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community because she has been such an inspiration!

profile image@DaveMurr  I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community because her blog is a amazing resource!

profile image@philbaumann  I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community because she is laying groundworks of community building for this century.

profile image@petergold99  I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community because…she talks a lot of sense and adds real value to the convers …

profile image@derrickkwa  I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community because she does an amazing job in connecting people.

profile image@NicP  I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community. She is a tireless promoter of community matters and teacher to many

profile image@warrenss  I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community because she is awesome!

profile image@shashib  I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community for fantastic resources on her blog

profile image@emilwisch  I nominate @cbensen for a Shorty Award in #community because she’s the baddest, sweetest community strategist alive.