Isn’t this amazing? Click on it to see the detail. It’s growing in our yard near a tree. It’s a foot in diameter & about 6 inches tall. And the most wonderful orange color! which is my most favorite color (I have orange flowers, luggage & now a car).


I had been thinking about this topic before this lichen appeared. People want to know how to do so many things – the networking, building a brand, finding a job in social media, etc. Then once they get involved the next question is how to manage it all. I try to provide answers for those things & sometimes need to pause & take a break.

This post is probably mostly advice to myself. But you may find this pause helpful too as you juggle it all. After today I will return to full speed forward.

This beautiful piece of nature grew unexpectedly in our yard. The things that struck me are:

  • it is unique, there are none other like it
  • it is asymmetrical, there is no pattern
  • it is very fragile & soft to the touch yet is resilient to the elements
  • it is flexible (spears of grass have grown up thru one of the leaves)
  • it is slowly growing & the colors are becoming richer
  • it is unknown what it will evolve into? My mom asked & I didn’t know.

So how is this related to working online?

  • plant yourself in unexpected places & grow
  • be yourself & make sure that you have a unique perspective
  • there’s no reason to have a pattern
  • resiliency & flexibility are essential to growth
  • as frenetic as the social media world is take it at your pace
  • where will you take it? (note that I didn’t say, Where will it take you?!!)

Did that translate for you? What would you add to it?